Note To My Readers: Acronyms
The Dark Side of Hunger Mountain is a 100% reader-supported work of fiction. While historical events, institutions, agencies, and many of the locations and statistics are real, the characters and their world are imaginary.
Chapter 5 and beyond go deeper into the woods and, with that journey, into the world of acronyms for various real world entities, along with fictional ones created for The Dark Side of Hunger Mountain.
Fictional Entities/Acronyms:
AFF Ancient Forest Fund
AFC American Forestry Council
ALF Animals Liberation Front
AC Audubon Council
AEFE Association for Environmental Forest Ethics
ASW Assurance Services Worldwide
ELF Eco Liberation Front
FFX Forest Freedom Society
GMO Genetically Modified Organisms
MG Montreux Global
MTI Montreux Trading International
NFC National Forest Council
RTI Resource Trends International
SC Sequoia Club
SFS Sustainable Forests Seal
UNEC United Nations Environment Council
WRDC Washington Resources Defense Council
WS Wildness Society
Real World Entities/Acronyms:
AA Antiquities Act, US
AI Artificial intelligence
Antitrust Sherman Antitrust Act, US
BLM Bureau of Land Management, US Department of the Interior
BPA Bisphenol A
CAA Clean Air Act, US
CCS Carbon Capture and Storage
CERT Carbon Emissions Reduction Target, UK
CESP Community Energy Saving Programme, UK
CITES Convention on Int. Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, IUCN
CO2 Carbon dioxide, a natural greenhouse gas
CODIS Combined DNA Index System
CSZ Cascadia Subduction Zone
CWA Clean Water Act, US
DC District of Colombia, US Capitol
EAJA Equal Access to Justice Act, US
DNR Department of Natural Resources, Washington State
EPA Environmental Protection Agency, US
ESA Endangered Species Act, US
ESG Environmental Social Governance, United Nations
EU European Union
ETS Emissions Trading Scheme, EU
FAO Food and Agriculture Organization, United Nations
FDIC Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, US
FinCEN Financial Crimes Enforcement Center, US
FDI Foreign Direct Investment
FIT Feed-in Tariff Scheme, UK
FMA Forest Management Area, US
FS Forest Service, US Department of Agriculture
FTC Federal Trade Commission, US
F&WS Fish and Wildlife Service, US Department of the Interior
GEF Global Environmental Facility,
GHGs Greenhouse gases
HCP Habitat Conservation Plan, US
ICE Immigration and Customs Enforcement, US
ICIJ International Consortium of Investigative Journalists
IMG International Monetary Fund
IRS Internal Revenue Service, US
ITFC International Tax and Financial Crimes, Internal Revenue Service
IUCN International Union for the Conservation of Nature
MMPA Marine Mammal Protection Act, US
mRNA messenger ribonucleic acid
NAC Natural Asset Companies
NEPA National Environmental Policy Act, US
NGOs Nongovernmental Organizations
NMFS National Marine Fisheries Service, US Department of Commerce
NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, US Dept of Commerce
NPS National Park Service, US Department of the Interior
ODA Official Development Assistance
OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration, US Department of Labor
PCA Principal Component Analyses
PCBs Polychlorinated biphenyls
PDQ Pretty darn quick
PILT Payments in Lieu of Taxes, US
POPs Persistent Organic Pollutants
REIT Real Estate Investment Trust
REMS Rapid Extraction Module Support
RO Renewable Obligation
RICO Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, US
SEC Securities and Exchange Commission, US
SDG Sustainable Development Goals, United Nations
SDR Special Drawing Rights, International Monetary Fund
SF6 Sulphur hexafluoride, a synthetic greenhouse gas
SGARs Second generation rodenticide anticoagulants
SMR Small Modular Reactors (nuclear)
STR Suspicious Transaction Report
SUV Sport Utility Vehicle
TIMO Timber Investment Management Organization
TNC The Nature Conservancy
UAS Unmanned Aerial (or Aircraft) Systems
UCLA University of California at Los Angeles
UK United Kingdom
UN United Nations
US United States
USGS United States Geological Survey
VOCs Volatile Organic Compounds
WEF World Economic Forum, Davos, Switzerland
WHO World Health Organization, United Nations
WSR Wild and Scenic Rivers, US
WTO World Trade Organization
NOTICE AND WARNING: While historical events, institutions, agencies, and many of the locations and statistics are real, the characters and their world are imaginary, include adult themes and violence. The author reserves all worldwide rights to The Dark Side of Hunger Mountain. You may not sell or reproduce any part of this work without written consent from the copyright owner. Copyright © 2023, 2024, 2025. T.H. PLATT.
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